Saturday, August 19, 2006

Immigration Support

I tried not to buy anything during the immigrant boycott day. I’m not an immigrant. I’m a liberal. Does anybody remember what that means anymore? We stand up for liberty. We take the more tolerant side of most issues. This seems to get lost in much of the rhetoric of today. Most people, even Liberals, find it difficult to be liberal on all issues. Ironically, people who are liberal on social issues tend to be conservative on economic issues and vice versa. For example, the same people who are tolerant of gay marriage think that people shouldn’t be allowed to sell their labor for less than a certain minimum wage. Similarly, many folks who think that English should be the only language one can speak in the US also think that guns should be freely available to anyone for any reason.

Immigration poses a particular dilemma for many of us because it is an economic and social issue at the same time. It’s not just that people can be on one side or another; they may have to reject part of their ideology to accept another.

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